A Comprehensive Lighting Solution

Our system is the only fully engineered lighting system designed as a cohesive unit, which we refer to as the Power Management System. It includes:

  • High Efficiency Power Drivers

  • LED Lamps with Advanced Thermal Management

  • Fixtures

  • Wire

Our lighting solutions function as a complete, integrated system. We offer the only true LED lighting system, beginning with the High Efficiency Power Driver and extending to the thermally protected LEDs that come pre-lamped in every fixture. The system is connected using our custom two-tone, polarity-safe MAX-FLEX Wire, ensuring consistent, reliable performance and keeping your lights operating at their best.


Heart of Our System

The Power Driver

LEDs, as part of the solid-state semiconductor family, offer outstanding lifespan and reliability when properly integrated into a lighting system. Typically, LED lifespans range between 25,000 and 100,000 hours, far surpassing traditional lighting devices, which generally last between 1,000 and 10,000 hours. However, careful attention must be given to both LED cooling and the design of the LED driver to avoid premature failure and diminished luminance. To maximize energy efficiency, performance, and longevity, it is crucial to choose a suitable power source and ensure effective cooling for the LEDs.

While most lighting companies rely on AC magnetic transformers originally designed for halogen lamps, Lifetime Lighting Systems takes a different approach. Interestingly, the founder of Lifetime Lighting Systems is the inventor of those AC magnetic transformers but deliberately avoids using them for LEDs. This is because LED lamps are low-voltage, direct-current devices that require specialized power supplies to optimize their output and lifespan. An AC magnetic transformer is a basic power converter that operates on a fixed 10:1 voltage ratio, reducing 120 volts to 12 volts or 119 volts to 11.9 volts. We like to refer to them as the "dumb transformers."

LED lamps are highly sensitive to voltage fluctuations, which can occur thousands of times daily, causing stress on the lamps. Lifetime Lighting Systems' High Output, High Efficiency LED Power Drivers, however, provide constant voltage control, ensuring that LEDs operate at their optimal voltage levels.

In contrast, AC magnetic transformers lack the capability to deliver the clean and steady power needed to extend LED longevity. When used with LEDs, these transformers can cause lamps to lose brightness and efficiency, potentially increasing energy consumption by up to 50% due to volt-amp (VA) inefficiencies. With Lifetime Lighting Systems' power supplies, these issues are eliminated, resulting in up to 50% savings in electricity, wire use, and driver size. This makes them truly the most environmentally friendly systems available today.